Slow Food in Bra, Italy (Continued)

1378288_747233611960137_2091864998_nThere is a good presentation of Slow Food Bra and the butter and the wine, it centered around the champagne of the region: Blanc de Blanc and Rose for England, also Brut Millecento.

In a clock-wise tasting lets start with salted butter and tomato with sweet butter, salted butter and sweet butter with summer black truffle and little young potato, brioche with sweet butter and anchovy, green sage and peach and mushroom salted butter, buttercream tart with myrtilles, and chocolate praline. It is heaven if you love butter and you can be very critical of the nuances of quality butter.

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Day by Day Cheese 2013 in Bra, Italy

3 days of Cheese!!!

It was a full schedule of workshops, tastings, seminars, lectures, and dinners, so you had to choose what you wanted to attend. I chose:

  • The Ark of Taste in Africa
  • High Apprenticeship
  • The Affineur: A Profession for the Future a discussion followed by a tasting with Giovanni Guffanti Fiori a fifth generation affineur (cheese ager)
  • Milk Workshop
  • Who cares about Animal Welfare? How can we raise animals and consume them in a way is compatible with environment and that respects animal welfare?

The Ark of Taste in Africa

Searching for the almost Lost Ark, saving cheeses from disappearing, how we can implement hygiene and infrastructure in poor parts of some countries to help the survival of some local traditional cheeses (ex: from Croatia, Bulgaria and Brazil).

At dinner I loved the rolled rabbit with pine nuts and light Barolo sauce. I had great company of young people from Austria, Switzerland, England and Italy some of whom were representing cheeses and some reporters and curious Slow Food members who love cheese and wine.


Slow Food Education: make your own Sustainable Pasta

A chance to put the whole family’s skills to the test and make delicious savory and sweet specialties!


Taste Workshop

Fattorie Fiandino butter, since 1889
Sweet and salty butter matched with different champagne!
It was heaven on earth


Milk Workshop

The pasture is a resource to protect. A well-managed pasture produces fodder with a great nutritional value and the guarantee of a positiveimpact on the health of the animals and the quality of the milk, cheese, and butter. From an environmental point of view it favors the control of the green spaces of a region and plant biodiversity.

We discussed raw or pasteurized, but above all: what kind of milk is it? Milk quality depends on the conditions in which livestock is raised, which influences the flavor, the nutritional value, and the presence of vitamins, enzymes, good fats, etc.

For dinner we discovered the flavors of the world with Moroccan chef from Talluinn bringing the local safran and serving a superb Bastila. The great part is I know exactly where his restaurant is! Lost in the rocky mountains south of Agadir, near Zagora, near a cascade not far from very good friends of mine. I went over, talked to him, and we hugged.

Vive Slow Food!!!


To be continued